Tynong Toppings is an quality grade crushed rock. It is used as a topping for driveways and paths. For best results, this product should be laid, moistened with water and compacted with a roller or vibrating plate compacter.

Cootes Quarry Products have been facilitating the upgrade of the Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road in the Pakenham area as Part of Victoria’s Big Build. An extra lane, upgrading intersections and installing safety barriers. Cootes have been supplying crushed rock and other essential materials used in road construction. Our Class 1, 2 and 3, road base crushed rock meets Vicroads specs with full laboratory testing.
Just a few kilometers from Phillip Islands main township of Cowes is The Grand Prix Curcuit. Cootes Quarry Products supply the Car & Motor Bike racing circuit with road base materials for works and maintenance. Various grades of topsoil and sands are also delivered for their extensive landscaping works.
Repairing Beaches on the Mornington Peninsula rely on Cootes for quarry products.
Cootes are always delivering sand and soils to the Mornington Peninsula for repairing Beaches and landscaping works due to erosion. We are proud to be helping protect our fabulous beaches from Frankston, Mt Eliza and Mornington, all the way down to Rosebud, Rye and Sorrento
Cootes Quarry Products is a family owned company dedicated to supplying the construction industry with quality quarry products in Melbourne, Pakenham and South East Victoria. Our fleet of trucks enables backloading opportunities across the quarry networks reducing freight costs to the end user. We do not double handle materials all deliveries are direct from the production point and weighed into our trucks by a certified weigh bridge. Weigh bridge information is made available to our customers for every delivery. Our point of difference to other suppliers is our fast reaction time to orders and access to high quality products due to our ability to purchase from many Quarries that are ISO 9001 accredited.
Our committed Drivers have hundreds of years experience ensuring smooth operations on customer’s sites occur and that we can add value by accurate load placement including spreading. Large payloads due to our modern fleet and permits allow less truck movements for the same delivered tonnage. Our sales staff will investigate new products or source alternatives to ensure your project is successful and on budget. We operate from our own premises complete with 8000 square meters of hardstand and a full range of quarry samples on site. Our workshop maintains our fleet and others in the industry to the highest standards in safety and presentation. We also can store earthmoving equipment for our clients.
Copyright 2013 Cootes Quarry Products - 50 Mary Street Pakenham 3810 Victoria Australia - Phone (03) 5940 8851 - website by awdesign